I want to do it!
Did you know that Aikido besides of being a martial art is a combination of strength training and cardio workouts? The benefits are:...
I want to do it!
Cleaning up the Dojo-お掃除
Do it yourself!
Spring Equinox 2022: Start your Aikido Journey!
No Openings
Facing Danger!
Why do you want to learn AIKIDO?
The 5 elements in Aikido: Gogyo (五行)
Setsubun (節分)
Mochitsuki (餅つき)
The fundamental elements of Aikido
Ventura Aikido 2021
The stages of mastery in Aikido
Basic Jo Suburi
Pratiquer ensemble!
Mindfullness and our practice
Why should I do Aikido?
Don't do things with Force
Can you learn Aikido by watching YouTube?